Neon Light NO.1
Neon Light NO.2
Random Object
自由騎士 The jumper
天鵝湖 Swan Lake
在你蔭庇下(你 在哪裡?)Where are You?
而你說我醜陋 And you say I am ugly
Tōhoku, Japan, 2011 (Rainbow Trout)
Pieces (Pooh)
Pieces (OG)
Chess Board 2
Chess Board 1
Gather 聚
While I'm Peering Through Your Thicket in the Dark and You Don't Know It Yet
Chaos Blossom No.1
Your Jungle Mirror
Nature Juicy
Now Soil and a Mirrorball
The Majority of Your Cells
On Aggregate (Her Collection of Sticvks and Twigs)
Closet Space (The Arc and His Covenant)
Breaking Fresh
Your Ghillie Suit's Not That Queer